303 Squadron: Battle of Britain Free Download game

303 Squadron: Battle of Britain Free Download game

303 Squadron: Battle of Britain Free Download game

303 Squadron: Battle of Britain from the developer Atomic Jelly, the first screenshots have been released on the Steam platform card.
Production will debut in 2017 (the specific release date is not known) on PCs (it is not known whether it will appear on the consoles) and as the title indicates, we will play during the fun in the pilot 303 of the Fighter Squadron Warsaws im. Tadeusz Kosciuszko, who was a subdivision of the Polish Air Force’s hunting aviation in Great Britain.


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Description of the game

Squadron 303 became famous for the battle of England and this episode will be featured in the game. Creators of 303 Squadron: Battle of Britain will not serve us with a typical simulator or shootings, pointing out that they are aiming somewhere in the middle. What will happen? We are looking forward to.

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Story of game

The 303 Squadron is more than just another flight simulator. Alongside the creation of a realistic, emotional game of fighting in WWII, the aim of the project is to present the colors of the fighting fighters as well as the often forgotten terrestrial combat. Gameplay focuses primarily on air battles that play the actual course of events. Enriched with additional missions, inspired by anecdotes from the base and the adventures of pilots, tells not only the story of Squadron 303 but the entire Royal Fleet (RAF).

By going through the stages, the player participates in an incredible adventure. Celebrating the victory, mourning the fallen, he himself becomes one of the members of Squadron 303, training perceptiveness and reflexes to eventually begin to feel both the anger and the pride or joy of the next clan. It’s not just a game, but a tribute to heroes, allowing you to interact with their captivating story.

303 The Battle of Britain is an asymmetric board game for two players in which the Luftwaffe commander must fly to London to bomb the city while commanding the 303 Squadron is trying to prevent it at all costs. The German forces have at their disposal 5 fighters (Messerschmits and Heinkele) and 1 bomber.

When the 303 Squadron will carry out its action, the round will end. Players play 8 turns, which symbolizes the Luftwaffe’s problems with the amount of fuel to carry such distant bombardments. The next turn is marked on the fuel gauge located in the top right corner of the board. In the 4th and 6th rounds, the RAF provides support to its unit and supplies one additional fighter in each of these rounds. The game ends when a German bomber drops onto one of the fields symbolizing the city of London. Then it is recognized that the Luftwaffe managed to reach its target and London was bombed. The RAF is victorious immediately when a German bomber is knocked down, or when it has survived eight turns, and the bomber does not appear in the sky at the time.

303 Squadron: Battle of Britain Free Download game

303 Squadron: Battle of Britain Free Download game

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